Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We sat on the deck, drinking our morning coffee and watching the rain taper off. It was a peaceful morning. The kids were still sleeping and we didn't have any special plans put on hold by the weather. My husband, looking at the suddenly blue sky, remarked, "there might be a rainbow, since the sun is shining." I jumped up and hurried out into the yard to see if I could spot one. Nothing. I went to the edge of the lake and searched the sky for any displays of color. Nothing. But the idea that it could happen left me smiling all day. It was a beautiful thought.

My mom likes to say that looking forward to something is half the fun. I think so too. For months leading up to our vacation in Maine, I daydreamed about what we would do there. Now that we've returned home, I'm looking forward to the next big thing on the calendar.

I think most people, like me, enjoy looking forward to things. People say they live for Fridays (or paychecks, or vacation...). Anticipation of something fun or relaxing or otherwise gratifying helps us get through challenging days at the office. It keeps us sane through chaotic days when the kids have us frazzled. It is the "happy place" we let our minds go to when people around us drive us crazy. It is a happy form of hope.

Then there is the other kind of hope. Hope that things will get better. Hope that a loved one will pull through a difficult illness. Hope that there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel we may be in. Hope that someone may find what they need: a job, a home, someone to love.

This is the hope we cling to when it feels like everything is out of our control. When it feels like our world is caving in on us. It's our lifeline.

Sometimes it's a struggle to hold on to that hope. Sometimes we need to be reminded to hang on and not grow tired of hoping. A few people I know are in need of reminders. It doesn't take much. A kind word. A simple "I'm thinking of you today."

If this brought someone to mind, reach out to them. And don't wait for a response. It might be all they can do to hear it.

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